How can we help
Contact can be made with RAYNET in an emergency by telephoning The Radio Amateurs' Emergency Network's 24-hour Emergency Contact number: 0303 040 1080
Remember that this number should only be used if your local call out procedures fail or are non-existent.
Community Communications
Most events can benefit from radio communications. RAYNET communications can be useful for several reasons:
- The central Control can inform the other volunteers about progress- (eg. last runner, returned)
- The outstations can inform Control about progress- (eg. checkpoint closed, walker retired)
- People can be informed about exceptional events- (eg. competitor overdue)
- Administrative information can be passed (eg. lists of walkers who have not passed through a checkpoint and may be lost)
- Administrative information can be passed (eg. first runners/walk/riders through a checkpoint)
RAYNET can also help you reduce your events carbon footprint by reducing the amount of fuel used by support vehicles
RAYNET normally attaches one or more radio operators to each point where the User wants communications.
The users (such as marshals) are not expected to talk on the radio. (under the terms of the Amateur Radio License do not allow it.)
RAYNET also has the ability to communicate over greater distance then PMR446 radios, CB and radio equipment that can be hired.
RAYNET can also send data to and from checkpoints to finish
What will it Cost?
RAYNET is somewhat unique in the Voluntary Emergency Services Sector in that it survives mainly on the good will of it's membership and doesn't generally have any regular income. Current Ofcom licencing terms do not permit RAYNET (or any other group of volunteers who use amateur radio bands such as 4x4 clubs, scouts or RSGB clubs) to 'invoice' for the volunteer services it provides to other organisations and user services while using 'radio amateur' equipment.
However this doesn't mean the Cumbria RAYNET group, our members or any other voluntary group should be left out of pocket when providing their services for the greater good of the British public. Cumbria RAYNET Group will in most cases submit to the relevant event organizing representative who requested our services in the first instance, a outline expected expenses and recommend a suitable level of donation to cover the members expenses. Sometimes it isn't possible to forecast this before the start of a new event or call out and all event organizers should set a ceiling figure if there is a restrictive or limited budget in place.
Non Amateur Radio Equipment!
Cumbria RAYNET Group's members may be used for their own personal knowledge as experienced radio equipment operators on your existing business radio network
i.e: Staffing of Event or Joint Operational Control Room.